Welcome to Mommy Moments

A space for new and expecting moms and their support systems to learn how to best care for themselves, leading to the best results for the whole family.


About Us

There’s no denying that chocolates and bubble baths are nice, but when a nation as wealthy as ours has shockingly high mortality rates for pregnant women and new mothers, it’s essential for moms and their support systems to approach self-care with evidence-based research that promote both biological and mental health for mom and baby.



Mommy Moments

Mommy Moments is here to provide new and expecting mothers with a variety of events intended to help support the lives of themselves and their children. At the end of the day, we’re always here to be your family when you need it most.

Check out some of our upcoming events to best take care of yourself so that you can achieve the best results for you and the whole family.

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