Mommy Moments Helps Families Give Themselves and Their Families the Best Care

The team at Mommy Moments helps expectant mothers, new mothers, and their family and friends learn how to best care for both moms and babies. The period of time following the birth of a new baby is critical for the long-term physical, mental, and social health of both, so Mommy Moments is committed to encouraging scientific-based rest, nutrition, engagement with others, time in nature, and a loving touch that will help both mothers and newborns not only survive but also thrive.


Village Town Talks

Coming Together for Well-Being of Families

We know it takes a village, but it can be surprising to learn how many of us in today’s fast-paced, global society look to our friends and “framily” for support during pregnancy and after babies are born. Another surprise is learning that we should do this. The news often reminds us of America’s expecting and new mothers’ ever-increasing mortality, morbidity, postpartum depression, anxiety and drug dependence rates. These statistics make villages more important than ever, so Mommy Moments invites you and your tribe into a conversation about supporting women we love through pregnancy and beyond.


Resources for Families

Timely reminders for moms and support systems to take much-needed Mommy Moments

Mommy Moments merchandise are not only a timely reminder for moms and their support systems to take much-needed Mommy Moments, they also help everyone involved take a deep breath and remember the reason for the moment. The water bottles with family-friendly hydration prompts are just one way new moms and their tribes are reminded to take a pause and do what’s best for themselves and their families.



Learn more about what Mommy Moments means for your family

Between America’s high pre-maternal and maternal mortality rates and our founder Johnnay Benjamin’s own life-threatening experiences with childbirth, pre- and post-labor care are central to the organization’s mission. Learn how Mommy Moments can enhance a family’s life.